Finds evidence in ancient Indian stone images supporting the theory of Semitic and Negroid peoples existing in the pre-Columbian America If ever challenged to provide Black Ancient Artifacts in America supply this book for the irrefutable proof of Pro-Columbus documentation * Checkmate * Archetype, Aryan, Atlantis, Atonement, Babel (Tower of), Babylon, Bashan, Canaan, Columbus, Cults, Etruscans, Genealogy, Genesis, Gigantes, Gilgamesh, Harvard University, Hexagram, Hopi Tribes, Humbaba, Huxley, Julian, Janus, Jesuits, Kabbalah, Line Of Seth, Master race, Mayas, Mesopotamia, Mound Builders, Mysticism, Mythology, Nero, Odin, Old Testament, Owl, Pantheon, Papacy (Pope), Passover, Philistines, Prehistory, Psychism, Pyramid, Rockefeller, Seth (Sethites), Sidgwick, Smith, Joseph, Sun God, Symbolism, Tanit, Thor, Titans, Underworld, Venus
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