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Writer's pictureIshmael Bey

Proven reversed fable of the Slave trade between Africans and American Indians on Plantations

The old so common lies of the 1619 stopping of the Indian Slave trade and replacing of Africans gets exposed by the documented facts and truth. Even the admission of the storyline being reversed The facts are Indians and Africans were enslaved on plantations WELL AFTER and OVER 100 YEARS LATER than the 1619 false narrative

Scott Heerman, University of Miami, “Rediscovering Race: Indian and African Slavery in the Illinois Country”

1 Wheeler, op. cit., p. 15. Had there been any objection raised by the mother country to the enslavement of Indians on the ground of illegality, the colonists could have fallen back on the recognized right of enslaving captives in war. By a legal fiction the Indians could at any time have been considered in a state of war, their lands confiscated, and their persons seized and held for disposal at the pleasure of the whites. Such was the legal argument used by England in justification of enslaving the African negroes.

2 For a discussion of the neglect to define the Indians’ rights in the various letters patent and charters, see the Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pt. ii, p. 550.

Indian slaves were recognized as property in all the English colonies, and were openly bought and sold at both public and private sales like negroes and other property.1 They were advertised in the colonial newspapers with statements of their qualifications and ability for work, their ages, and sometimes descriptions of their personal appearance. From the New England newspapers it is apparent that for a time dealers advertised such slaves for sale openly in their own names.2 Later the possible purchaser was directed by the advertisement to “inquire of the Printer and know further”, or to “inquire at the Post Office”.3 It was not uncommon for slaves offered for sale to choose their future owner from those who desired to purchase them,4 or to approve the bill of sale.5

Like other property, real or personal, Indian slaves could be given away by word of mouth or by “last will and testament”. One of the earliest of such wills on record is that of Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts, made in 1639, by which he gave to his son Adam, Governor’s Island and with it “also my Indians thereon”.6 In South Carolina

1 Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, series 3, i, p. 27, contains a bill of sale of an Indian man, given by Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts to John Mainford of Barbadoes.

2 As typical examples of this kind of advertisement, see Boston Gazette, December 15, 1718; Pennsylvania Gazette, March 7, 1732; New England Weekly Journal, March 5, 1733; Boston News Letter, August 20, 1711; January 5, 1719; December 28, 1720.

3 Boston News Letter, July 2, 1711; October 11, 1708; October 6, 1737; February 11, 1717; November 22, 1708; May 24, 1714; Boston Gazette or Weekly Journal, November 15, 1748; New England Weekly Journal, February 24, 1729.

4 Stiles, A History of the City of Brooklyn, etc., i, p. 233; New York Mercury, June 12, 1758.

5 Early Records of Portsmouth, p. 434; Currier, History of Newbury, p. 254.

6 Winthrop, Life and Letters of John Winthrop, ii, p. 252; Winsor, The Memorial History of Boston, i, p. 489.

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